
Various Generation Of Computer With Key Characteristics

  1. Various Generation Of Computer With Key Characteristics Chart
  • Computer Fundamentals

The name for the most recent generation is even more variable. Some prefer Generation Z, continuing the alphabetical trend begun with Generation X, while others prefer buzzier titles like Centennials or the iGeneration. /adobe-serial-key-generator-download.html. What will come in the future is anyone's guess and with each new generation comes more disagreement. Third Generation (1966 – 1975): IBM System/360 Fourth Generation (1976 – 1985): Macintosh 128k Fifth Generation (1986 -till date): Super computer The characteristics of computers that have made them so powerful and universally useful are speed, accuracy, diligence, versatility and storage capacity. Let us discuss them briefly. The development of computers has followed different steps in the terminology used and these steps of technological differences are called as GENERATIONS in computer terminology. There are totally five generations of computers till today. First Generation Computers (1950's).

  • Computer Useful Resources

Computer - Fifth Generation - The period of fifth generation is 1980-till date. In the fifth generation, VLSI technology became ULSI (Ultra Large Scale Integration) technology, resulting in. Generational Differences Chart Traditionalists Baby Boomers Generation X Millennials Birth Years 1900-1945 195-1980 (1977-1994) 1981-2000 Current Age 63-438-27 Famous People Bob Dole, Elizabeth Taylor Bill Clinton, Meryl Streep Barak Obama, Jennifer Lopez Ashton Kutcher, Serena Williams. The development of electronic computers can be divided into five generations depending upon the technologies used. The following are the five generations of computers. First Generation of Computers (1942-1955) Image Courtesy: www.computerhistory.org. The beginning of commercial computer age is from UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer). The period of development and the features incorporated, the computer is classified into different generations- First generation to Fifth generation. This is called the computer generation. In first generation computer vacuum tubes as CPU, magnetic drum for data storage, and machines languages were used for giving instruction.

  • Selected Reading

The period of fifth generation is 1980-till date. In the fifth generation, VLSI technology became ULSI (Ultra Large Scale Integration) technology, resulting in the production of microprocessor chips having ten million electronic components.

This generation is based on parallel processing hardware and AI (Artificial Intelligence) software. AI is an emerging branch in computer science, which interprets the means and method of making computers think like human beings. All the high-level languages like C and C++, Java, .Net etc., are used in this generation.

AI includes −

  • Robotics
  • Neural Networks
  • Game Playing
  • Development of expert systems to make decisions in real-life situations
  • Natural language understanding and generation

The main features of fifth generation are −

  • ULSI technology
  • Development of true artificial intelligence
  • Development of Natural language processing
  • Advancement in Parallel Processing
  • Advancement in Superconductor technology
  • More user-friendly interfaces with multimedia features
  • Availability of very powerful and compact computers at cheaper rates

Some computer types of this generation are −

  • Desktop
  • Laptop
  • NoteBook
  • UltraBook
  • ChromeBook

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With four different generations making up your workforce, it can be difficult understanding what they all need and where they are best utilised. Baby boomers, Gen X, Millennials and Gen Z each bring a different dynamic to the table but the only way to truly harness their potential is to understand their generational characteristics.

The strengths and weaknesses of the generations in your workspace:

BABY BOOMERS (born 1946-1964):


  • Boomers are characterised as being workaholics who relish long weeks and overtime.1 They are more committed to their roles than any other generation
  • Baby boomers are considered good team players with 53% of organisations saying they work well with others2
  • This generation are regarded as making excellent mentors to their colleagues and juniors in the organisation3


  • This generation has a preference for structure and discipline and are less inclined to welcome change4
  • Boomers are competitive so need recognition and rewards to keep them motivated to achieve more
  • Baby boomers are regarded as the least tech savvy of all generations, prohibiting their ability to keep up with developments5
GEN X (born 1965-1976):


  • 70% of organisations believe Gen X are the best overall workers6
  • Gen X is committed to juggling work with family time, and favour work-life balance in an organisation7
  • Gen X is considered to be the biggest revenue generators overall


List of generations and characteristics
  • Less than 40% of Gen X are satisfied with the senior management in their organisation8
  • This generation is less inclined to say something if they disagree with management than their successive generations9
  • Gen X value being able to do things quickly and are less inclined to spend hours of overtime completing something perfectly10
MILLENNIALS / GEN Y (born 1977-1994):


  • Of all generations currently featuring in the workforce, Millennials are considered the most independent workers11
  • Millennials are concerned with ethics and the social responsibility of the organisation they work for12
  • Millennials have grown up sourcing information, they need to be left to create their own processes rather than being told exactly what to do13


  • Due to their independent nature, Gen Y are not as interested in teamwork as other generations
  • Millennials do not have as strong a work ethic, with an average of 38.8 hours spent at work a week compared to previous generations who both average above 40 hours14
  • This generation is impatient when it comes to career growth. 71% are likely to leave before 2 years if they feel their leadership skills are not being developed
GEN Z (born 1995-2010):


  • The most tech competent of any generation, members of Gen Z are able to pick on developments quicker than other employees
  • Gen Z are natural entrepreneurs, with 72% wanting to start their own business and hire people15
  • Described as the “always on” generation, Gen Z are able to multi-task unlike any other generation using up to 5 screens at once


  • Gen Z are regarded as more cynical than their predecessors, favouring a realistic outlook over the idealism of Gen Y
  • This generation is not likely to show too much company loyalty, with 25% believing they should only stay in a job for a year or less
  • Gen Z don’t know much about a time before social media and easily accessible tech. This can make them very reliant on technology to solve problems for them
No matter which generation you belong to, you need the most up-to-date skills to stand out.

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1The Balance
2Business Insider
3One Park Financial
4eLearning Industry
6Vision Critical
7Vision Critical
8Vision Critical

11Vision Critical
13Ivey Business Journal
15Growing Leaders

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Various Generation Of Computer With Key Characteristics Chart

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