Root Access Keys provide unlimited access to your AWS resources. It's not recommended to use them in normal situations. AWS recommends to delete existing Root Access Keys and create IAM user and Access Keys limited to specific service or resource (see below).
1. Type in your web browser
Jan 14, 2017 - How To Generate Amazon AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key 2017 In this video you will learn how to generate Amazon AWS Access. The keyringaws plugin is a keyring plugin that communicates with the Amazon Web Services Key Management Service (AWS KMS) as a back end for key generation and uses a local file for key storage. All keyring material is generated exclusively by the AWS server, not by keyringaws.
2. Click My Account, AWS Management Console
3. Enter your account email address and password:
4. Type the IAM in the search box and choose the IAM service from the drop-down list.
You will be redirected to IAM Dashboard
5. Navigate to Security Status and expand the Delete your root access keys section.
6. Click Manage Security Credentials
7. Click Continue to Security Credentials
Your Security Credentials page will open
8. Expand the Access Keys (access key id and secret acces key) section
9. Click the Delete link next to your access keys row.
10. Confirm Access Keys deletion.
11. Your Root Access Keys are deleted. Now you can create IAM user and Access Keys limited to specific service or resource (see below).
Be sure to replace your root access keys with your IAM access keys in any programs/scripts you are currently using.